Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Fall'in For You

Fall'in For You
written 9/24/2014

Supplies Needed:

Tube of your choice. I am using the work of CEI Stickers. I got this tube at MPT when they were around. Not sure where to get their work now but you can use any tube of your choosing.

Scrap Kit is a freebie by Mizteeque's Digital Designs. You can get it at http://mizteeques.blogspot.com/2014/09/new-freebie-kit-fallin-for-autumn.html

Leaf brushes of your choice. I am using brushes by bmjewell. You can get these brushes at http://www.deviantart.com/art/Leaf-Brushes-98947069

Sparkle brush of your choice. I am using one by Tempting-Resources. You can get it at http://www.deviantart.com/art/Sparkle-Brushes-103230407

Font of your choice. I am using Magnolia. You can get it at http://www.dafont.com/magnolia.font

Lets Begin:
Open a blank canvas that will give you plenty of room to work with.
Set your foreground color to any color of your choice and turn off your background color.
Using your rectangle preset shape tool with the width set to 9.00
Draw a long vertical rectangle in the center of your canvas.
Convert to a raster layer.
Selections select all float and defloat.
Flood fill with a gradient made from 2 colors from your tube.
Using your magic wand select the inside of your frame and go to selections modify and expand by 3.
Layers new raster layer and drag under your frame.
Open paper 7 and copy and paste into selection.
Selections select none.
Add a drop shadow to the frame.
Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer at the top.
Place inside the frame area but more to the right and its ok to have bits hanging out.
Add a drop shadow to your tube.
Open element 32 and re-size so its going to fit nicely into the corner of your frame.
Its ok for it be a little on the big side but you don't want it overbearing.
Copy and paste as a new layer and place in the top left corner.
Add a drop shadow.
Flip horizontal.
Move the duplicate to the far top right corner.
Merge these 2 layers together.
Duplicate this new layer and image flip vertical.
Move this new layer down to the bottom of the frame.
Merge these 2 layers together.
Open element 21 and again re-size so it will fit nicely along your frame.
Copy and paste as a new layer and place in the bottom left corner.
Add a drop shadow.
Duplicate and image flip horizontal.
Move this layer to the bottom right corner.
Merge these 2 layers together.
Duplicate and move this layer to the top of the tag.
Merge these 2 layers together.
Open element 12.
Copy and paste as a new layer and place in the bottom of the tag in the lower left.
I erased part of the stem as it was too long for what I wanted but this is up to you.
Add a drop shadow.
Duplicate and flip horizontal.
Move this duplicate to the bottom right corner.
Merge these 2 layers together.
Duplicate and image flip vertical.
Move this layer to the top.
Merge these 2 layers together.
Open element 1 and re-size so it will fit nicely at the bottom of your tag.
Copy and paste as a new layer and add a drop shadow.
Open element 29 and copy and paste as a new layer at the top center of the frame.
Re-size so it will fit nicely there.
Add a drop shadow.
Add a new raster layer and drag all the way to bottom.
Now using one of the papers as your background color.
Apply some leaf brushes to your tag so they are peeking out behind the tag.
Layers new raster layer at the top.
Apply some sparkle brushes using white.
Add your name.
Add your copyright and licensing information.
Crop and save.

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