Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Those Moments

Those Moments
Written 6/21/2016
This tutorial is meant purely as a guide. Feel free to use your own choice of tube or scrap kit to make your tag unique. If you want your tag to look just like mine them use the same supplies I have used. This tutorial assumes you have a knowledge of paint shop pro. Any resemblance to any other tag or tutorial is completely coincidental.
Supplies Used:
Tube of your choice. I am using an older tube by Keith Garvey. I purchased this tube at MPT when they were in business but you can purchase his tubes at http://garv-girlspsptubes.pinnaclecart.com/
Scrap Kit is called Sweet Hannah by Amy Marie’s Kits. You can purchase this kit at http://amymarieskits.com/store/
Mask of your choice. I am using mask #201 by Insatiable Dreams. You can get her masks at http://insatiabledreams.net under resources.
Font of your choice I am using Angelique Rose. You can get it at http://www.dafont.com/angelique-rose.font

Alien Skin Xenofex 2 Burnt Edges
Drop shadow used throughout:
0 0 85 16.00 black

Let's Begin:
Open element 52 and shift+D to duplicate. Close the original. Re-size if you wish. Make your canvas large enough to give you plenty of room to work with. Open paper 19 and copy and paste as a new layer and drag under the frame. Apply the mask of your choice. Delete the mask layer and merge the group. Using your magic wand select the inside of the frame and go to selections modify and expand by 5. Open paper 16 and copy and paste as a new layer and drag under the frame selections invert and hit delete. Selections invert again and selections modify and contract by 4. Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer and place within the selected framed area. Erase any bits you do not want. Selections select none. Add a drop shadow to the frame and the tube.
Merge together the frame, your tube and the paper within the frame. Duplicate this merged layer. On the top copy go to adjust blur Gaussian blur and blur at 12.00. Lower the opacity of this layer to 60.
Open element 65 and copy and paste as a new layer and move to the top of the frame. Add a drop shadow. Duplicate and image flip vertical. Move this duplicate to the bottom of the frame.
Open element 107 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size by 75% 2x. Image free rotate to the left 10 degrees. Adjust sharpen. Drag under the bottom flowers. Move to the far left side of the frame. Add a drop shadow.
Open element 108 and copy and paste as a new layer and re-size by 75%. Image free rotate to the right 17 degrees. Adjust sharpen. Drag under the bottom flowers. Move to the far right of the frame. Add a drop shadow.
Open element 120 and shift+D to duplicate. Close the original. Re-size by 50%. Make your canvas larger. Apply the Xenofex 2 Burnt edges filter using the following settings:
<<Insert SS1>>
Copy and paste as a new layer onto your tag. Re-size as needed. Image free rotate to the right 20 degrees. Adjust sharpen. Drag under the violin. Move to the far right. Add a drop shadow.
Open element 112 and re-size by 75%. Copy and paste as a new layer and move to the bottom just above the flowers. Add a drop shadow.
Open element 88 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size by 50% and then again by 70%. Copy and paste as a new layer and place to the far right by the violin and on top of the paper. Add a drop shadow.
Open element 110 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size by 50% and then again by 70%. Move to the bottom left corner. Add a drop shadow.
Open element 102 and copy and paste as a new layer and re-size by 50% 2x. Move to the bottom in front of the boxes. Add a drop shadow.
Repeat above steps with element 55.
Open element 94 and copy and paste as a new layer and re-size by 50%. Move below the flowers and the boxes. Drag down and place to the right of the boxes. Add a drop shadow.

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