Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Believe In The Magic

Believe In the Magic
Written by Tika on 1/11/2019
This tutorial is meant purely as a guide. Feel free to use your own choice of tube or scrap kit to make your tag unique.
If you want your tag to look just like mine, then use the same supplies I have used. This tutorial assumes you have a knowledge
of paint shop pro. Any resemblance to any other tag or tutorial is completely coincidental.
Supplies Used:
Tube I am using is by Alex Prihodoko. This tube is called Star Fairy. You can purchase it at
You must have a license to use this tube.
Scrap kit is a freebie by With A Russian-Dutch Heart. It is called Believe in the Magic. You can download it at
The font I am using is Jaquilane. This is a PTU font.
Mask of your choice. I am using a mask by Designs By Vaybs. I am using mask #72 and you can get her masks at
Plugins: (plugins are most generally optional)
Let's Begin:
Open paper 7 and re-size as needed to your liking. You are going to apply the mask to this layer. Promote your background layer to a raster layer. Make your canvas large enough to work with. You can crop and re-size when we are finished. Apply the mask to this layer. Delete the mask layer and merge the group. Duplicate your mask layer and merge the 2 together.
Open element 24 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size by 50% and then again by 75%. Make sure it is in the center of your mask.
Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size as needed. Position in the center area of the mask. Add a drop shadow to the tube. I used V-0 H-0 Opacity – 55 Blur 9.00 Color- Black Shadow on new layer NOT checked.
Open element 12 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size to your liking. Place on the far-right side of your tube at the bottom. Add the same drop shadow.
Open element 11 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size to your liking. Place behind the tree stump but showing all around it. Duplicate 2 more times and place these copies where you wish along the bottom of the tube. Add the same drop shadow.
Open element 10 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size to your liking. Move to the bottom in the middle of all the other leaves. Add the same drop shadow.
Open element 9 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size to your liking. Place on the far-left under all the other leaves and your tube so you can see it kinda going up the left side of your tag. Duplicate and Image Mirror Horizontal and move to behind the tree stump. Add the same drop shadow to both.
Open element 8 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size to your liking. Move behind the tree stump but poking out the right side. Add the same drop shadow. Duplicate and Image Mirror Horizontal and move this one over towards the left side but all the way to the left.
Open element 7 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size to your liking. Move the right side behind the tree stump poking out of the top. Add the same drop shadow.
Open element 5 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size to your liking. Move behind the tree stump at the bottom and poking out of the left side. Duplicate and Image Mirror Horizontal and move to the far-left side of your tag at the bottom. Add the same drop shadow.
Open element 4 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size to your liking. Move behind the purple rose by the tree stump. Duplicate and move this one behind the purple rose on the left side of your tag. Add the same drop shadow to both.
Open element 3 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size to your liking. Image free rotate to the right 90 degrees. Adjust sharpen. Move to the bottom far-right behind the stump poking out the right side. Duplicate Image Mirror Horizontal. Move this one to the left side but poking out from behind the purple rose to the right. Add the same drop shadow to both.
Open element 19 and copy and paste as a new layer. Re-size to your liking. Move so it looks like it is collecting nectar from the tall flowers on the far-right side above the tree stump. Add the same drop shadow.
Add your name.
Add your copyright and licensing information.
Crop and Re-size if you wish.

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