Sunday, January 8, 2023

Winters Chill


Winters Chill

Written 1/5/2023

This tutorial is meant purely as a guide. Feel free to use your own choice of tube or scrap kit to make your tag unique.

If you want your tag to look just like mine, then use the same supplies I have used. This tutorial assumes you have a knowledge

of paint shop pro. Any resemblance to any other tag or tutorial is completely coincidental.


Supplies Used:

Tube of your choice. I am using a tube by Vadis. You can purchase this tube at

Scrap Kit is by Wicked Diabla Designs. It is called ScrapWD_IB-MartinAbel-47-3. You can purchase this kit at

Mask of your choice. I am using a great mask by Vix. I mean who doesn’t love Vix  masks right?? This is her MaskHalloween2012-8NotHallow mask. You can find her awesome masks at

Font of your choice. I am using Baby Girl Display.

Animation of your choice. I am using a heavy snowfall animation by Simone at Scrappy Bit Of Fun. It is part of her Winter Season 2020 animation pack. You can find all of her awesome animations at

Plugins: (plugins are most generally optional)



Let's Begin:

Open a blank canvas large enough to give you plenty of room to work with. You can crop and resize your tag when you are done if you wish.

Flood fill the canvas with white. I like to do this because it allows me to see everyone on the canvas as I am creating my tag. I delete this layer when I am all done.

Open frame 2 from the kit and copy and paste as a new layer on what we will call your working canvas from here on out. Resize the frame so that is the size you wish. This will be your backdrop for your tag.

Using your magic wand select the inside of the 4 sections of the window frame. Selections modify expand and expand by 5.

Layers new raster layer and drag under  your frame.

Open paper 1 from the kit and copy and paste into selection. Selections select none.

You should still have this paper in your clipboard so go ahead and paste it again and drag to the bottom. Resize if you wish.

Apply your mask. Delete the mask layer and merge the group.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer. Resize the tube to  your liking. Position in front of the window frame where you like. Mine is not quite center but almost.

Now let’s dress the tag up with elements from the kit. I will list the elements I used. Feel free to use other elements to make your tag unique. Placement of the elements is completely up to you. If you want your tag to look just like mine, then use my tag for reference.

Elements I used:







Add your name. Add your copyright and licensing information.

Crop and resize if you wish.

Now lets get ready to animate.

Open animation shop and then open the animation you are going to use.

Resize if you need to.

Select all frames. Take note of the amount of frames in the animation.

Now back to psp delete the white layer.

Merge together all of the layers EXCEPT the mask layer and the paper layer that fills the window frame.

Now you should have 3 layers.

Hide the layer that you just created merging all of the elements and tube together.

Edit copy merged.

Open animation shop and right click and paste as a new animation.

This should be your mask layer and the paper layer.

Duplicate the frames to match the amount of frames in your animation.

Select all frames in your tag.

Grab frame #1 from the animation and drag it onto frame #1 of the tag. Do not let go until you get it into place where you want it. If you accidentally misplace it you can undo and do the same steps over again until you get it right where you want it.

Once that is all in place go back to psp and copy the layer with your tube and all of the elements on it.

Back to animation shop. Right click and paste as a new animation. Duplicate to match the amount of frames in your animated tag. Select all frames.

Again drag frame #1 onto frame #1 of the animated tag.

Once that is all in place then view your animation to make sure you are happy with everything.

Optimize your tag and save.

Thanks for trying my tutorial.


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