Monday, January 29, 2024

Magical Ice Set Crowe FTU


Magical Ice

Written 1/29/2024
This tutorial is meant purely as a guide. Feel free to use your own choice of tube or scrap kit to make your tag unique.
If you want your tag to look just like mine, then use the same supplies I have used. This tutorial assumes you have knowledge
of paint shop pro. Any resemblance to any other tag or tutorial is completely coincidental. 

Supplies Used:

Tube is by Arthur Crowe. He is no longer selling. You must have a license to use his artwork.

Scrap kit is by Catty Creationz. It is called Under The Starlight and you can find it on her blog

Font of your choice. I am using Lightshot

Plugins: (plugins are most generally optional)

Photo Effex Scanlines 

Let's Begin:

Open a new canvas that will give you plenty of room to work with. I usually use 900x900 and then crop and resize when I am all finished.

Open frame 4 and copy and paste as a new layer on to your blank canvas. Resize to your liking. This going to be part of your background base and not an actual frame that is a focal point so you don’t want it too large.

Using your magic wand select the inside of the frame and go to selections modify and expand by 10.

Layers new raster layer and drag under the frame layer.

Open any of the papers of your choice from the kit and copy and paste into selection. Selections select none.

Add a drop shadow of your choice to your frame and then merge visible.

Image rotate free rotate to the left 20 degrees.

Adjust sharpeness unsharp mask. I use the following settings:

Duplicate. On the bottom original layer go to adjust blur gaussian blur and blur by 10. Then apply Photo Effex Scanlines with the following settings:

Open element 7.
Copy and paste as a new layer and resize to your liking. You want it small enough to be the focal point in the center and also to see the first framed image behind it. Don’t forget to sharpen when you resize.
Selections select all float defloat selections modify and expand by 3.
Layers new raster layer.
Drag under this layer.
Flood fill with white.
Adjust add noise using the following settings:
Selections select none.
Make your top layer active and merge down.
Add a drop shadow of your choice to this layer.
At this time I like to add my tube so I can build the rest of the tag around it.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer. Position where you choose. Mine is nearly center within the tag.
Add a drop shadow of your choice to your tube. 

Now let’s dress the tag up with elements from the kit. I will list the elements I used. Feel free to use other elements to make your tag unique. Placement of the elements is completely up to you. If you want your tag to look just like mine, then use my tag for reference.

Elements I used:

Add your name and copyright information. Make sure you include your license # and any credits that need to be on your tag.
Crop and resize if you would like.
I made mine a 3 piece forum set and you can do that very easily on your own.
Thanks for trying my tutorial.

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